Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Raw veggie salad with mustard vinaigrette

A tasty side dish that takes about 10 minutes to make. Salad dressing is best if made the night before (the mustard seeds absorb the dressing and pop in your mouth).

Ingredients for salad:
- 1 head of savoy cabbage
- 1 red bell pepper
- 2-3 zucchinis
- 6 carrots
- handful of cilantro
- 3 tomatoes, chopped

Ingredients for dressing:
- 1/2 cup dijon mustard
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup of olive oil (or less, for lower fat)
- 3 tbsp yellow mustard seeds
- Juice from 1/2 lemon

Mix all salad ingredients except for tomatoes in food processor. Pieces should be around the size of a thumbnail or smaller. Set aside in serving dish.

Whisk all salad dressing ingredients in bowl. Stir into veggie salad. Top salad with chopped tomatoes and sprinkle with kosher salt.

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